780-487-7903 info@deanfinancial.ca

Business Owners

We’re passionate about empowering business owners and offer creative investment solutions, corporate structuring, and tax efficiencies. We also provide tailored insurance solutions to protect assets and minimize risk. Our goal is to work closely with you to ensure your long-term success.

Business Owners


Protecting your business from unforeseen circumstances is crucial, and we offer a variety of insurance options to help shield you from the unexpected.

We provide both personal and corporate coverage, including life, disability, and critical illness insurance, customized to meet your unique requirements.

Health Spending Account

A Health Spending Account offers a cost-effective alternative to conventional health insurance. In straightforward language, the health and dental benefits provided by this plan are fully tax-deductible for the employer and completely tax-free for the employee. This arrangement provides a win-win situation, allowing employers to save on taxes and employees to enjoy tax-free benefits, making it an attractive option for both parties involved.


Key person insurance is a risk management tool that compensates for financial losses incurred due to the absence of a valuable employee. It ensures business continuity and helps companies thrive even during unforeseen events.


A buy-sell agreement is a strategic plan for business owners that outlines the fate of a business if an owner dies, becomes disabled, retires or gets divorced. It is a legally binding contract that specifies who can purchase the business interest and how it will be financed. By addressing ownership and management transfers in advance, a buy-sell agreement can help prevent future disputes and ensure a smooth transition of the business.


As a business owner, it’s important to have a comprehensive cash flow plan that takes into account both short-term and long-term financial goals. This involves carefully monitoring expenses and revenue, projecting future cash inflows and outflows, and making strategic decisions to optimize cash flow and ensure the financial stability and growth of the business.


For business owners, allocating finances to the right areas can be a difficult task.

We offer customized investment plans that are aligned with your specific business objectives and priorities, ensuring that your money is being allocated efficiently to optimize your financial outcomes.